Homeowners recycle and upcycle now more than ever. One of the latest trends in building is using reclaimed barn wood. Barn beams are making their way into the fray as well, adding rustic charm to any home when used for tables, benches, islands, or even flooring, walls or ceilings.

I found a couple of fantastic uses for reclaimed barn wood in our latest Signature Home. One of the challenges of building this home was respecting the homeowners’ budget while including all the extras. Reduction in square footage was key so this sliding barn door handcrafted from a 100 year old barn in upstate New York was a no brainer and immediately made its way onto the “must haves” list.
A second challenge was combining two very different types of styles as one homeowner loved rustic and the other sleek urban lines. Again I turned to reclaimed barn wood as the perfect answer, this time in the form of the breakfast bar.

The history and stories behind the barn materials appeal to consumers. Some of these barns are 150 years old. You can’t find this character in new wood and it’s gorgeous.
While the green movement is certainly propelling the trend, it’s the authentic look of it that draws folks in. People like the character their furniture has and the story that comes with it. Plus the look really gives it the ‘wow’ factor. It’s the aesthetics attracting homeowners’ attention. It’s more appealing to the eye when something is natural, rather than new trying to look old.
It is important that the barn wood is processed correctly. Make sure all foreign objects and nails are removed from the wood. Next reclaimed wood needs to be dried it out to stabilize it, so there will be no movement when it’s made into furniture. A reputable source will also sanitize it to destroy any larvae or burrowing insects.
I recommend asking questions and communicating openly with the company selling the reclaimed barn wood. To be sure, search the List for a highly rated woodworker. You need to have somebody you can trust inspect the material. Or at least do the research, so you have something to compare the product to; you have to know what you’re buying.
Tell us: Have you used reclaimed barn wood in your home? Tell us how you have used this piece of Americana and the story behind it!
Ron and Martha Wolford are the leaders in luxury home construction in Louisville, Kentucky.
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